EN – Bing Ads

What is Bing Ads?

Bing Ads is the advertising tool from Microsoft and is generally understood as the paid placement of ads in the network of the search engines Bing and Yahoo. The way Bing Ads works is comparable to the Google Ads advertising system, whereby you as an advertiser pay for each click a user makes on the ad (pay-per-click).

What is the Bing Network?

The Yahoo! Bing network is made up of websites from Bing and partners and comprises a target group of approximately 509 million search queries per month (as of 2019). The market share of the Bing search engine in Germany is 12% (February 2018) and thus complements the 86% market share of Google Search in terms of the greatest possible market coverage. Through the Bing network, you still have advertising access to websites from Microsoft, Aol (in Germany) and third-party platforms, for example search results on Amazon devices and Cortana, as well as search results from Siri via Apple devices.

What does Bing Ads cost and how does it work?

The Bing advertising system offers small and large companies the opportunity to advertise their products and services within the Bing network. The display of your Bing advertising is free of charge! You only pay when the user clicks directly on the ad.

The ads are placed based on an auction system, where you bid on keywords. Important: Keywords (keywords) are extremely important for the success of your advertising!

With the keywords you try to match the user’s search queries and display your ads to a relevant target group. If the user enters one of your selected keywords as a search query, you take part in an auction, in which case there is a chance that your ad will be placed. In the auction, the advertising space is raffled off based on the relevance of the keyword for the user and your bid (max. cost per click) on this keyword. If you win the auction, your ad is displayed for free and you only pay when the user clicks on the ad.

Your ads will be displayed by the search engine either above the organic search results (maximum 4) or next to the search results in the sidebar (maximum 5).

What are the advantages of Bing Advertising for my online marketing strategy?

Advantages compared to Google Ads

What advantages does professional Bing Ads support have for me?

What an official Bing Ads partner agency can achieve

Q / A

Q & A

After an introductory meeting, we will get an overview of your Google Ads account and work with you to determine your objectives. We will then send you a non-binding offer. You can then sit back, relax and let us do the work. If your performance has not improved within 90 days, we will refund the costs.

The performance guarantee only applies to established companies that invest at least €10,000 per month in Google Ads. If your company wants to get started on Google with a lower budget, we can provide you with individual support outside of our special programme. Another basic requirement for the performance guarantee is that Google Ads must have been running continuously for at least 90 days. Find out more about the requirements for the special programme in a personal consultation. The offer only applies to new customers.

Your Google advertising budget is highly individual and cannot be generalised. If you do not have a predefined advertising budget, we will be happy to support you with a customised budget plan.

If we do not achieve the performance target agreed with you, we will refund 100% of the fees.

The administration fees will be refunded by SEPA bank transfer within 7 days after the 90 days have expired.

After 90 days, you are free to extend your co-operation with us or find another partner. However, the performance guarantee is only limited to the first 90 days. The offer is only available to new customers.

If you do not qualify for the special programme, we will still support you with tailor-made strategies and account management. Please complete the configurator to receive a customised offer.

Apply for the performance guarantee

*Limited Places Available*